The MTCC Africa third Pilot Project titled Quantification of Emissions within the Port Limits in the Port Of Mombasa, intended to undertake emission inventory assessment within the port of Mombasa. This study has provided a comprehensive ship’s emission inventory that will provide information to decision-makers on the levels of emission from ships within the port and for the development and tracking of emissions reduction strategies. The scope of the inventory covered emissions from Ocean Going Vessels (OGVs) and has been guided by assessment guidelines as developed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) under the Glomeep project.
This study was conducted by the MTCC Africa experts from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), the Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) and the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) and has engaged key national maritime and environmental stakeholders including port authorities, ship owners, maritime regulators, ship operators, visiting ships, terminal operators, policymakers, maritime trade associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to gain and incorporate broader input into the project.
The project was conducted in 3 phases including a data collection and validation phase, the analysis phase and the final technical project report compilation. These results will be submitted to the IMO and stakeholders will be engaged on the project results and benefits