1st MTCC Africa Training Session on Thorium X Tablet and Themis Platform

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On the basis of the contractual agreement between CLS and JKUAT (JKUAT acting on behalf of MTCC-AFRICA) concerning the delivery of fuel data collection and reporting solution to MTCC-Africa’s Pilot Project II which was signed on 31st December 2017 and on the framework of the “Kick-Off Meeting” held on 11th January 2018, it is the obligation of CLS to develop a data collection tool, delivery of and installation of Thorium X Tablet, delivery and installation Satboxes and training on the use of Satboxes, Thorium X tablets and use of Themis platform. It is due to this that CLS together with MTCC-Africa agreed to have the first of the two trainings under the contract on 11th April 2018.

The Training

The training was delivered by two CLS representatives namely Ms Elodie Da Silva and Ms Esma Merkraoui at the MTCC-Africa HQs in JKUAT Mombasa CBD campus. The training was detailed with so many features and data manipulation functions being highlighted by the training team for two days.

It was further agreed that a follow-up training session will be organized by CLS to clarify on weak areas as shall be identified by the MTCC Africa team of experts.

Visit to MV Kota Tampan and Training of Crew

In line with the agreement with CLS, the company was to offer the maiden training on the use of the Thorium X tablets to a standby ship crew at the port of Mombasa. This was made possible thanks to the MV Kota Tampan which was at anchorage at the port of Mombasa during the training period. MTCC Africa and CLS teams visited the vessels via a pilot boat belonging to The Kenya Ports Authority.

Once on board, the crew were trained on the use of the Thorium X tablet as well as care of the tablet. The captain and the chief Engineer were very receptive and the training was a great success. The ship crew later led the technical team to a tour of the ship engine to see the current methods being used to measure fuel consumption. The MTCC Africa and CLS teams later boarded the waiting pilot boat and sailed to the shore with the tablet which was to be delivered to the crew while the ship was at berth. The ship berthed on Sunday the 15th April 2018 and the MTCC Africa team lead by the Project Director Dr. Robert Kiplimo were ready to hand over the tablet to the ship captain.

The training that lasted for two days at the port city of Mombasa was a great success and MTCC Africa as well as CLS both delivered on their mandates following the agreements with IMO and MTCC Africa respectively.

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