MTCC Africa > About MTCC Africa

“To be part of the Global Network of Centres of Excellence promoting the uptake of low carbon technologies and energy efficient practices in the maritime and shipping industry”


Carefully selected to become centres of excellence for their regions, the MTCCs focus on technical co-operation, capacity building and technology transfer.


MTCC-Africa is hosted by Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in partnership with Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) and Kenya Ports Authority (KPA).

A Joint IMO – European Union Project

Greenhouse Gas emissions from the Maritime Shipping Industry are expected to increase globally. Developing countries, which play a significant role in international shipping, can improve Energy Efficiency in their shipping sectors for sustainable development. In the year 2013, IMO adopted a Resolution (MEPC.229(65)) on the Promotion of Technical Co-operation and Transfer of Technology relating to the Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Ships. This Resolution enabled provision of technical assistance to developing countries in areas of capacity building and demonstrable pilot projects towards improving energy efficiency in the maritime sector. An additional co-benefit is a low-carbon future.

The GMN Initiative

An earlier phase of the Global MTCC Network (GMN) formally titled “Capacity Building for Climate Change Mitigation in the Maritime Shipping Industry”, was funded by the European Union (EU) signed and implemented by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This initiative establishes and unites Maritime Technologies Cooperation Centres (MTCCs) from five regions into one global network. The five target regions are Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America and the Pacific which were selected on account of the many developing countries, especially Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States located therein.

Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre for Africa (MTCC Africa)

Since MTCC Africa’s inception in 2017, under the Global MTCCs Network (GMN) project, titled “Capacity Building for Climate Change Mitigation in the Maritime Shipping Industry”, the Centre has focused on enabling African countries, especially Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States, to effectively implement Energy-Efficiency and GHG emissions reduction measures through technical assistance and capacity building. An earlier phase of this project (January 2017 – December 2021) was supported by a funding contribution from the European Union Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI), managed by the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission.

The Maritime Technology Coorporation Centre for Africa (MTCC Africa) is hosted by the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Mombasa CBD Campus, in partnership with Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA) and Kenya Ports Authority (KPA).

MTCC-Africa is focused on the following:

  • Facilitating compliance with The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL Annex VI)
  • Improving capability in the region by working with maritime administrations, port authorities, government departments and shipping stakeholders to facilitate compliance with international regulations on energy efficiency for ships
  • Promoting the uptake of low-carbon technologies and operations in the maritime sector through pilot projects.
  • Raising awareness about policies, strategies and measures for the reduction of GHG and other emissions from the maritime transport sector
  • Demonstrating a pilot-scale system for collecting data and reporting on ships’ fuel consumption to improve ship owners’ and maritime administrations’ understanding in this regard,
  • Disseminating and sharing results and experiences from the project through appropriate communication and visibility actions; and
  • Developing and implementing strategies to sustain the impact of MTCC results and activities beyond the project time-line.
Need for Focal Points

In order to execute its mandate, MTCC-Africa works in collaboration with countries in the different African maritime regions of Northern Maritime Region (Suez / Mediterranean), Western Maritime (Atlantic Ocean),  Southern African, Eastern Maritime (Gulf of Eden/Indian Ocean) Small Islands States and Central Maritime (Landlocked Countries).

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