MTCC Africa > Conference > Maritime Decarbonization – R&D Africa & Global Perspectives

Maritime Decarbonization – R&D Africa & Global Perspectives


Virtual | Zoom

Date & Time

20th July 2022 - 20th July 2022 02:30 PM - 05:30 PM

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The IMO CARES Foundation Project in collaboration with MTCC Africa hosted a virtual workshop on The IMO CARES Project on 20th July 2022. This virtual forum aimed to:

  1. Facilitate Regional Consultations; on the IMO CARES concept
  2. Provide perspectives; on R&D related to maritime decarbonization from Decarbonization Centre’s
  3. Identify challenges; related to decarbonization technology within the African region
  4. Identify solutions; to these challenges and discuss the way forward



  1. IMO CARESCoordinated Actions to Reduce Emissions from Shipping – Anton Rhodes, Project Manager, IMO CARES, IMO
  2. NextGEN Connect Challenge 2022 – Minerva Lim, Assistant Director, Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore
  3. Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association – Madadh MacLaine, Secretary General, Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association, ZESTAs
  4. Maritime Decarbonization: Global Opportunities – Connor Bingham, Project Manager, Getting to Zero Coalition, Global Maritime Forum
  5. Green Shipping Programme – Hans-Christian Wintervoll, Senior Consultant DNV, Head of Service Center for Green Fleet Renewal – Green Shipping Programme
  6. Green Mare Services: Data Driven Knowledge – Eduardo João dos Santos Ramos, Senior Analyst, Green Mare Services
  7. Overview of decarbonization technology challenges from the region -Michael Mbaru, Marine Officer, Kenya Maritime Authority
  8. Regional Reflections: Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation and Deploying New Solutions – Lydia Ngugi, Head, Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre for Africa (MTCC Africa)


  1. Webinar Recording
  2. IMO Coordinated Actions to Reduce Emissions from Shipping

The IMO CARES Foundation Project in Collaboration with MTCC Africa will Host a Virtual Workshop on The IMO CARES Project

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